This is very well-thoroughly written. I wish we had university courses based on this. Most universities do not update their course syllabus.

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This is great I would love to see a visual of this in a supply chain type of motion showing left to right flow.

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This is great content, a lot of what you’ve mentioned is what I’m currently covering on my L7 AI apprenticeship

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Great resource

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Thank you for such a valuable article.

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for MLOps principles, I think we can add this one https://ml-ops.org/content/mlops-principles

Thanks for the list, super great

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"ML engineers focus more on bringing individual projects to production, while MLOps engineers work more on building a platform that is used by machine learning engineers and data scientists"

This should be in a large org, because I commonly find those roles are essentially the same

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Wow it’s a detailed roadmap

I will take it as my new year resolution to complete the learning and build a project

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